Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wow...I feel taken advantage of...

I usually don't say a matter of fact...I can't remember the last time something like this has happened...

I totally feel taken advantage of.  All the other teachers teach 2-3 classes per day.  I teach 6.  back to back.  AND...I wasn't briefed on anything.  Just told "to to room 242".  So I did.  no teacher...just me and the kids.  I didn't even know what time they ended.  i just assumed i let them go sometime before my next class...who knows...

they did not speak ONE word of english...they didn't understand anything.  i asked them to do a simple activity of writing down (they are supposedly 6th grade) if they have brothers or sisters...they entire class ended up with 1 brother.  when i asked for what they like to do...i wrote on the board as an example "I like to run".  So guess what the entire class liked to do...yup.  they love to run too!  HUH!  What a coincidence!

And then of course they kept asking to go to the bathroom like every 2 minutes as an excuse to leave...  i just feel like i'm not teaching anything and they're not learning or listening.  and the teachers are just excited they get to get away for a class...  just seems like a waste of time...but maybe that's my just hang there?  I don't know what to do...they don't even understand 'what's your name'...or 'good'...

last night was fine...slept fine in my net up at 5 am this morning for a was still dark...i was chased by like every village dog...until one persistant toy poodle made me fall down.  Then the younger sister went out on the scooter to look for me because since i didn't come back in 30 minutes they thought i  was lost...(sweet gesture...).  I told them i was fine.  Shower of course consisted of pouring cold bowls of water on myself...

Then getting dressed...i have only very practical ugly clothes with heels...and i was told this was the way to pack...  But of course all of the teachers are super accessorized and in heels looking very metropolitan chic...  and then there is uber frumpy katherine.  it's just different...  and with this classroom teaching situation...makes me want to cry...  if the students understood me...or if i got ANY explanation from the teachers i could tolerate everything else...but they all just dissappeared...

I don't know...have to go...3 classes to teach...back to back...  :(  I hope these go better than the last one...


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